
Audio Deviations

Audio Erotica Long story short, while waiting for beta reads on the Commander I was spending time on social media. There, Tone, who has a deep liquid voice, posted that he wanted to try out for one of those audio erotica sites but he needed a script. So, I offered to write him one.  Audio scripts like this are written a certain way. It's not quite a first person monologue, instead, it's a conversation. The listener,  (you,) is the one on the other side of the speakers conversation, talking, answering questions.  Moaning.  I knew what I wanted to write. (There was a photo I had seen on X) but I needed the cadence of the exchange in my head so I went looking on the internet to find that cadence.  Looking For A Guide Instead, I found Saif & Sound (AsadZob) who reminded me of someone else. Hoo, boy did he remind me. I wrote the script with his voice in my head. Actually, I wrote two. The first version was for Tone, (who inspired the use of the endearment, "...

Isoellen Dark- introducing Isoe Dark

The 12 Sectors

Are you stalking me?

The Commander

Claiming Starlight's World - The Apocalypse Keys

Caught : A Spicy Fantasy Omegaverse-ish Romance

The Orki War Brides

Trigger Warnings and Dark Romance

Where is the next 12 Sectors Book

Redeeming Her Alpha

Update - May/June 2024

Caught - Balancing Magic - by Isoellen